Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Beginning, Again

I graduate in less than a week, if all goes well (it may not). My last week and a half have consisted of caffeine, flashcards, and Times New Roman.  Drop-in Writing workshops at 826 have ended for the holidays, with a promise of some new faces, some old, and more time to scribble a story ending once we restart in January.  The kids will be back to their same schools, and I won't.

It all starts here.

My holiday plans start with sleep, for sure.  I'm making plenty of time for movies, friends, and ungodly amounts of cat videos on the internet.  Work will continue, as usual, slinging books at the library and wondering when adults will learn to take care of their messes.  But somewhere in there, there are robots.

I still haven't run a workshop; I want to try that, sometime, when I feel a little less scared of all those faces looking at me.  I still haven't tutored.  I hear they can use people like me, who did more than stumble through math and who still remember biology.  I still haven't learned how to package Robo Toupees (stylishly marketed in the Asimov line of products) or use a price gun. I still haven't talked to those kids who finished NaNo, or asked them for their secrets.

I'm not done.  School is almost over, but the robot revolution has just begun.

Here we go.